You finally got your first tattoo done. Congratulations! You’ve got a design you’ve always wanted and are happy that the procedure is over. Not yet! Proper after care of a tattoo is very important to retain its shape and color.

If this is your first tattoo following are steps to look after it and ensure it heals fast.


1. Do not remove the Bandage

The tattoo artist always covers a newly inked tattoo with a wide strip of protective gauze. The gauze absorbs any blood that might ooze from the tattoo. It also protects your clothes from bring smeared with ink. You should leave the bandage on for at least 2 hours or longer if recommended by the tattoo artist.


2. Peel the bandage off gently

After the recommended waiting period, gently and carefully remove the bandage covering the tattoo. The tattoo needs to breathe in order or heal fast. Henceforth, do not cover the tattoo with a bandage. Do not leave the bandage on for too long or remove it the next day as it could cause infection.


3. Wash with an anti-bacterial soap

The tattoo needs to be disinfected after the bandage has been removed. Take a drop of liquid antibacterial soap on your hand and wash the tattoo. Wash it gently and don’t scrub. It is preferable to choose mild, unscented anti-bacterial soaps. Rinse well and pat dry with a washcloth or towel. Do not use a paper towel. Wash the tattoo regularly twice a day until it heals.

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