Puberty can be a nerve-racking phase in your child’s life. They are coping with bodily changes. They experience mood swings and are often confused about why they behave in the way they do.

Most parents are reluctant to broach the topic “Puberty” with their children. Why? Because they feel uncomfortable speaking about the things they’ve never shared with their child before particularly if your child reaches puberty at an earlier than expected age.

Its natural and we totally understand. But, as a parent you need to understand that if you do not provide the explanations and solutions to the weird things he or she experiences, they will try to seek information elsewhere which is without doubt their friends.

How do you expect a child roughly the same age, going through the same emotions and feelings to be able to counsel another child about such bodily changes? Don’t you think you can do a better job?

You can. You only need to brace yourself for it and we’re going to help you go about the process. So, read about how to talk to your daughter or son about puberty.


1. The right time

Broaching the topic at the right time is of great importance. Girls generally attain puberty between 9 and 13 years while boys reach puberty a little later between 10 and 14 years. A more appropriate way to decide the right time is to use physical signals. If you have a daughter, a sudden growth spurt or the presence of hair under the arms and /or on the pubic area are some of the signals. If you have a son, once again a sudden growth spurt (muscle development or increase in height) or deepening of the voice should be considered signals.

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